I still come to my blog to read the lovelie's I have hanging out over in my blog roll. Every time I do..I see my last post and it bothers me. It just makes me feel..I don't know..so, boring. I mean, I'm still boring, nothing new has happened to me. I'm still hanging with my precious boy everyday, although I have started exercising regularly! I lost 5 lbs, went on my first vacation in 3 years..aaannnd gained 6 lbs in a week and a half. Wow. Anyway, I don't know if I'll start posting regularly again, maybe..maybe not. If the mood strikes me again I guess I will. I'm doing pretty good fighting the PPD monster. I had a really rough patch a couple months ago and had to up my Pristiq, but it passed. It always does now. I still have a hard time looking at pictures from that time, and I still have these weird flashbacks if I see a certain thing or smell a certain smell. (that is so strange to me) But other than that, I'm good. I still have the feeling that I want to help other women going through PPD/PPA. Maybe I'll figure out how to someday. So, I guess that's it. Just wanted to say Hi..and let the 3 people who may see this know I'm doing okay.
Marinated Olives and Feta
1 hour ago